What is the Vore Web Ring
So you want to join the Vore Web Ring, eh Great, we'll be happy to have you :) There are, however, just a few rules that you must follow to be a part of the ring. These are in place to guarantee the best experience for everyone, so please respect and follow them.
Your site must be vore! - This is the #1 requirement to be a part of the ring; if your site isn't at least partially focused on vore, then you shouldn't be part of this ring. Yes, we will check before we add your site to the ring.
You must link to the ring - Adding you to the Vore Web Ring is pointless if you don't link back to the ring; otherwise your site will just be a dead-end. You will have to add the required HTML code to your webpage BEFORE we add you to the ring (instructions on how to do this are below.) You don't have to display the links to the ring on the main page of your site (though that is preferred), but it has to be easily found by people browsing your site.
You must provide an email address for contacting you - I know some people don't want to give out their email addresses, but this is necessary. If you don't have an email address now, go create a free account on Yahoo! or Hotmail. However you do it, please make sure that you can check it at least once a week. Failure to respond will result in your site being yanked from the webring (see below.)
If your site is down for more than two weeks... - ...and we cannot contact you at your given email address, your site will be pulled from the ring. This is necessary to keep the ring useful - too many webrings out there have a list of sites in which 50% of them are dead, making said webring almost completely impossible to navigate. If you're having hosting problems, we understand, and we'll make provisions to keep you on the list; but if your site is going to be down for awhile, it makes sense to remove it from the ring until it's up again.
Tell us when your site moves - It's only courteous to those visiting your site to have the ring send them to the actual location of your site, instead of a page saying "Sorry we moved to this new location, click here..." And we don't have time to keep track of which sites have moved :P
If your site breaks any of the rules above :) - If you join the ring and then later change the theme of your site to something non-vore, or remove the links to the ring, we'll pull you from the list. Fair enough, right :)
OK, if you agree to all of that... let's get started!
First off, you need to add the links to the Vore Web Ring. You can use whatever format you like, as long as the links work (remember, we will check - this has to be in place before you will be added to the ring.) If you're lazy, you can cut-and-paste the HTML code below into your site:
This site is a member of... The Vore Web Ring Skip Previous | Previous | Random Site | List All Sites | Next | Skip Next |
Now you need to test your links -- if they work, clicking on each of them will take you to a webpage with a "success" message. If you get any error messages or other problems, the links are probably not correct. Feel free to embellish on your HTML code to make it fit your site, just be sure that the links all work correctly.
Once your links to the ring are working, email [email protected] with "Vore Web Ring - New Site" in the title of the email. In the body of the message, include your preferred email address for contact, and include the URL for your site, the name of your site, and a short description of what your site is about. (If you don't know how you should describe your site, look at the existing list of sites in the ring.) Your site will be queued for review, and you will get an email response (within a few days, hopefully; it depends how busy we are) either detailing what changes you still need to make, or with your site ID (at which point, your site will have been added to the ring.) Please be patient when waiting for a reply, we will try to answer you as quickly as possible. Promise :)
Once you have your site ID, you will need to again edit the HTML in your site for your links to the Vore Web Ring, and replace every occurance of "&0&" (note that is the number zero, not the letter "O") above with your assigned ID. For example, if you were assigned an ID of 21, you'd change every "&0&" to "&21&"... It is very important that you not add any extra spaces or other characters to the string following "vorering.cgi " when you do this, or the links will not work! At this point, your site should be part of the ring - try the links to verify this.
Once this is finished, you need to again email [email protected], so we can verify that everything is working correctly (please test the links yourself first!) Again, please include your site's URL in the email, so we know which site you're talking about :) If you take more than two weeks to add the site ID info to your site's links to the ring and write an email saying you have done so, you risk being removed from the ring. You should get an email back from us within a few days confirming that you're in the ring permanently.
...and that's it! You're done! :)
Updating your site's info
We hope to automate some of this process with web forms in the future, but for now the emailing back and forth will have to do. Once your site is in the ring, requests for changes to your entry in the ring (or need to be removed from it alltogether) should be emailed to [email protected], with any relevant details.