What is the Vore Web Ring
The Vore Web Ring is a collection of websites that link to eachother through a centralized list, forming a "webring" of sites that can be visited one after the other, eventually returning the web surfer to the first site in the list. It's a fancy links page, basically :)
Why bother with a web ring
The nice thing about webrings is that the whole list of sites is very dynamic - sites can be added or deleted from the ring without the need for each site in the ring having to update their own links pages. The disadvantage of webrings is that it doesn't work properly unless every site in the ring does what it's supposed to - i.e., if a site moves or goes away, the owner needs to let the webring know that the address has changed. Also, if a site in the ring doesn't include links to the other sites in the ring, a web surfer can be left unable to reach all of the sites in the ring without considerable work.
Why did the Vore Web Ring move
Unfortunately, the "webring" that was in place for vore sites was recently lost due to Yahoo! taking over WebRing.org. Because Yahoo! requires usage of Yahoo! logins and such to access their stuff (and has controls on "adult" content), we've decided to host the Vore Web Ring from our own server for the time being. Hopefully this will work out better in the long run, but for now it's a decent short-term solution.
OK, I want to try it out!
Great! The link to the list of sites is below; enjoy.
What if I want to join the Vore Web Ring
Surf on over and fill out the forms to Join the Vore Web Ring.