For something a little different, we have an interview with Dekadens. For those of you who don't know him, he runs a website called FurryRealms, which hosts all kinds of vore goodies. In this interview we ask him about his website, his personal experiences relating to bring a vorarephile, and... well, read the interview and find out! :)
Full Story:
Note: Any spelling mistakes or typographical errors are the fault of the interviewer, not Dekadens; this interview was conducted via an instant messaging program, then edited afterwards by the interviewer for typos, etc.; hyperlinks to relevant websites were added later as well. Hi Dekadens, thanks for agreeing to do this interview for us :)
Dekadens: My pleasure:) To start off, tell us a little about yourself, for those who don't know you (yet :) )
Dekadens: Well, I go by the name Dekadens, which is really short for Dekard Adens who is my main character. How I condensed that to "Dekadens" is a long story... one I normally reveal to my regular partners during RP. I am both a Furry and a Vorarephile. I am particularly fond of Dragons, Kitsunes, Foxes, and wolves. In RL my gender is male, and I'm over 30. My RL occupation is that I'm a disaster relief worker for the American Red Cross.
I have a passion for artwork that is both furry or vorish. And I love a good story. I read constantly. I have so many images that I keep in my head, but since I can't even draw a straight line, I paint my pictures with words. I have written quite a few stories, the longest, and in my opinion, best called "The Sacrifice", which was about a natural love bond that develops between a male human and a female dragon. I also have a web site devoted to the furry and vore community. and also I host a chat room for vore Role Playing., which I have to say wouldn't have been possible without the help of Digit. And I must say that since I found the Vore community, I have never been happier. :) Hmm, you've anticipated some of my questions for this interview ;) We'll discuss your website and such in more detail later in the interview. For now, my next question is: When did you first realize you were "into" vore How did you react to that realization, if at all
Dekadens: I think I was born a vorarephile. I mean, I never knew there was a word for it, but as long as I can remember I always had these "feelings" and "desires" which centered around... well... some type of maw would be the best way to say it. One of my earliest memories of knowingly having a desire like this was when I was around 4 years old. My parents had taken me to the circus. Anyway, it was during the lion tamer act. The lion tamer did the customary "head in lion's mouth" routine.
Now, you would think that a 4 year old would be scared or excited by seeing that. Well, I was excited alright, but in a different way. I distinctly remember thinking, "I'd sure like to try that.". But at the same time, I was getting these strange vibes from my parents and the people around me... like what was going on was wrong. So even back then I started to get the impression that what I wanted was a "bad" thing... so I never spoke about it. And I started to believe at an early age that there was something wrong with me for having those desires. Do you still have any kind of feeling or belief that there's something 'wrong' with having vore desires Or have you reconciled them somehow as being ok
Dekadens: Since finding the vore community, and finding out that I wasn't the only one in the world with desires like that, I am totally at peace with it... like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. To tell you the truth, if there was something wrong with me, I sure didn't want to be cured of it. To me, it's normal to be that way. And now that I know I'm not alone, I've never been happier. I have learned to seperate my life into two different worlds, and how to keep the vore half of my life secret from those who couldn't understand it, while being free and open to those who share the same interests I do. You know, that leads nicely into my next question: One of the most common experiences that many vorarephiles share is finding out for the first time that they aren't the only one in the world interested in vore, and the shock that comes with it :) Can you tell us a little about when you found out you weren't the only one
Dekadens: I'd love to share that. Well, let's say that for the better part of my life, thought I was alone. For the longest time, my only way of satisfying my vorish fantasies was to spend hours in libraries looking for nature books with pictures of animals in them. Then thumb through them looking for that occasional perfect view of an open maw. National Geographic was always good for that. And all those nature shows on television often offered a thrill or two, but that was always hard to enjoy in a house where anybody else could see what you were watching and how you reacted to it... no real privacy there. And then I got a computer! And that magical device opened up a whole new world via the internet for me.
Now I could be very explicit when searching for what I wanted. I did searches for pictures of whales, wolves, lions, tigers, aligators... you name it! If it had a nice big maw, I searched for it. Then I started getting creative with my searches. I searched for dragons... then dragons swallowing people.. and finally, I hit on the magic combination. I did a search for dragon+swallow (just like that) and that lead me to Big Gulp! You want to talk about culture shock I think I almost went catatonic. Here was a goldmine of artwork and stories... all done by people who were exactly like me! I discovered the vore community. And that lead me to SwallowSoft, an actual vore RP chat room. To find these things... was like being born again. It was like a man who was blind all his life, finally being given the gift of sight. There really is no other way to describe how I felt. And that was only about two years ago... November, 2001. Wow... sounds familiar ;) You said that you've learned to split your vore life from your RL one, to keep it a secret from people. Do you have a partner RL, and if so, do they know you're vore
Dekadens: I am married to my soulmate. I have admitted to being a furry to her, and she understands and accepts that. (She has a few fetishes of her own not related to furryness or vore, so she is understanding of the fact that people have fetishes.) She is fine with the furryness... but I have not mentioned anything about vore to her. Somehow I just know that that would be a little too much for her to "swallow", if you will excuse the pun. Not that it would ruin our marrage or anything... just that... well, you know just how much somebody can understand and how much they won't be able to. So sadly, I must say that as far as my family, and my RL friends (ones that live near me) are concerned... there is no such thing as vore. I remain in the closet. Do you think you'll ever grow out of being vore
Dekadens: Hmm... I don't think it's possible for me to grow out of being a vore. I mean, I was born a vorarephile, and never grew into it. I am what I am. To ask me if I think I'll ever grow out of being a vore is like asking a heterosexual if he thinks he'll ever grow out of liking girls. Fair enough :) On to your website, FurryRealms. What made you decide to create it
Dekadens: There are two reasons I have for creating furryrealms. The first was that I have spent hours on end searching through vore sites and furry sites for just those things that appeal to me. I don't think I have to tell you that there is a lot of variety to the different tastes of furries and vorarephiles. And furthermore, All the searching I have done for good sites over the last two years has lead me to believe that there are very few sites that cater to both the furry and the vorarephile. I felt there was a need for that, because many people are both furries and vorarephiles as well. I wanted to try to find a way to combine the best of both worlds.
Also, after spending nearly my entire life thinking I was alone and then finding out I'm not just made me want to scream out to the world "Here I am!" I wanted to share my love of the stories and art that the furry and vore community have to offer. But most importantly, I wanted to zero in on finding other people who matched me as closely as possible. So furryrealms is a site that was really created for me. I fill it with just the things that I love... and in doing that... I know that the people who frequent my site, and tell me how much they like it are just like me... and I seek those people out for friendship. I have made many close friends through furryrealms... we are like family. Even though most of the people live too far away for me to meet in person, we have built bonds that are stronger than the ones I have with people as close as right next door to me. The site came about recently, so you're relatively 'fresh' on creating a new site from scratch; what would you suggest to someone who wants to create a new vore site Where should they start, what should they avoid, etc.
Dekadens: I started on Geocites because it was a place that would host my site for free. And since I also have the coding skills of a potted plant, I took advantage of their very easy to use web page builder. That was a good start. And eventually as I learned more HTML and as my site grew (and so did my need for more space on a server) I eventually bought the services of a hosting company and registered my own Domain. My best advice when starting out is to know your content. Have some original work of your own (stories or art). Be prepared to search the net for hours on end for possible content and always get the artist's or author's permission before you post work that is not your own.
Most importantly... when you finally decide to use a hosting service, go over their terms of service with a fine tooth comb. Understand that vore and furry material can be considered adult content and in some cases even (I hate to say this) vulgar. Recently I lost my entire site with my previous hosting company because they said I violated their terms of service. (And they did allow adult content). But they decided that they were free to interpret what was acceptable adult content and what was not. For them, my furry material was considered beastiality (which it was not) and they banned my site. When you are ready to use a hosting company, one place I definitely recommend is What new features do you have planned for your website What would you like to see it develop into over, say, the next year (content and design)
Dekadens: Pretty much the theme of my site will remain the same. Of course, I'm always looking for more content. I would love to add many more galleries. I'm constantly contacting artists to ask them if I can feature their work on my site. I'm in the process of writing more original stories as well as posting my best RP logs. I also want to add some more video content and of course... those open maw pics I love so much. But the hard thing is to come up with material that hasn't already been posted on a hundred other sites.
The vorechat, of course, is a real big hit and I hope to be able to add new features to it over time. At the moment I am also thinking of giving my home page a face lift, so to speak. The organization of the layout could stand some tweaking to make it more user friendly. I'm open to suggestions from any of you out there who are reading this. I welcome feedback. E-mail [email protected] with any suggestions or comments you may have. If you had an unlimited budget for servers, bandwidth, etc., how would you craft an "ideal" online vore experience What would it be like
Dekadens: Ok... it's fantasy time. We are making such advancements in technology these days, so this may one day be feasible. Virtual reality. The ultimate thrill. A direct feed from the computer to your brain, so to speak. Imagine visiting one of my galleries, only instead of looking at a picture on your computer screen, you get the sensation of walking down a museum corridor, seeing the pictures larger than life. Or better still... instead of just looking at my RL open maw pics... you get the sensation of selecting the maw of your choice... and literally climbing inside it... feeling what it feels like. And even better... I have a video of a mouse being swallowed by a snake... imagine being able to see and feel the experience.. from either the mouse's or snake's point of view. Now that would be the ultimate thrill! To be able to experience a vore scene, without experiencing the consequences of it. :) Let's hope that we get to see that in our lifetimes :) You've written more than a few stories at this point, a good number of them involving vore. What do you use as your muse to come up with new ideas for your stories, and specifically the vore ones
Dekadens: Those stories I have written are actual dreams and fantasies of my own. Admittedly, I get much of my inspiration from role playing. I am a dreamer. We all have dreams and fantasies that give us that "feel good" feeling. As a vorarephile, I sometimes sit and daydream about a vore experience that I would love to have happen to me. I think we all do that. And that usually inspires a story for me and so I write it. And to finish, I just have to ask: head-first or feet-first ;)
Dekadens: To be honest, I don't have a preference on that. As long as I get in there. And also, I am very orally fixated (as if you couldn't tell from my website). I like to spend as much time as possible rolling around the interior of a big, humid maw. Lots of tongue play, and a slow sensual swallow. I find that very erotic. And I go both ways. I am prey or predator. Do a nice job on me, and I'll return the favor. ;) Any closing thoughts before we wrap this up
Dekadens: Yes. To all you new comers out there who are just discovering you are not alone. You have no reason to think something is wrong with you. Don't be afraid or shy. We were all there at some point. Here you are among friends. Reach out to us. We welcome you with open arms... and open maws. :) Hehe :) Thanks for your time Dekadens, we appreciate you doing this interview :)
Dekadens: Anytime. I'm always available. :)
(End of interview.)
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