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Message title: Hi :)
Author: Panzer Reyes ([email protected])
Posting date: 2001.08.17 - 5:49pm

Hi everyone :)

I just wanted to introduce myself, my characters and show my first piece of vore artwork :)
Ive been on the internet for two years now, and in those two years was when I discovered furry..and not too soon after, vore. :) Even though now Ive managed to give it a name, its something that Ive had since I can remember..(which means I have no idea when it started ! ^_^) My favorite parts of cartoons and nature shows were those that had vore in them...and these two pictures of a snake swallowing a deer and a bullfrog doing the same to a mouse were my favorite parts of the 9th grade Biology Book that I kept looking at when ever I got the chance. :) Yea, I even had a few dreams too. ;)
So it was during the past few days that Ive finally come to terms with all of this. Thats why Ive finally worked up the courage to post on the board ^_^.
Now for a lil about me. :) Im sixteen and an amateur furry artist. I have three furry versions of me. Panzer Reyes, Sovereign and last and most recently StarFall :) Panzer is a non anthropomorphic furry blue dragon, Sovereign is an anthropomorphic dragon with Angel and Demon Characteristics...and this really long red hair..and most recently StarFall, whom I created specifically for Vore.. He's the one I drew in the picture. :)
And because it seems appropriate, I'll say a little about my "Voreacious" dragon, StarFall :)

StarFall is an "extremist" Polymorph..since he doesnt have any specific form or gender (but I call him a he anyhow :)). He's actually a "living" sentient Black Hole --
(Thus his name, StarFall and also his coloring: Anything which comes in physical contact with him is in danger of being absorbed though he makes a conscience effort to avoid this...but he doesnt bother with light, so its absorbed and not reflected, thus his utterly black color)
-- who usually chooses to present himself as a pitch black anthropomorphic dragon who stands at about 4 or 3 feet...But dont let his size fool you..he can change it..>;). Also, he always has to remain focused on his form otherwise it'll degrade and he's morph into a simple sphere.. Any strong emotions will also cause his form to shift. Utter bliss for example gives him a somewhat toony appearance which differs sharply from his stern standard form. --
( such as in the picture :))
-- He doesnt need to eat at all...but he still does it for enjoyment.. specially when it involves eating others..;) He can either swallow his prey whole or envelop/absorb them. He will also create a makeshift digestive system for the occasion. ;) He doesnt digest his food but it doesnt matter since theres almost an entire universe inside of him,--
( StarFall, has two spaces inside of him..Immidiate space is where you'll be when he first swallows you and decides to let you go; there are visible signs on StarFall of him having eaten, such as a swollen belly or throat pouch. Warped Space is where you end up if he chooses to "digest" you and keep you tucked up inside of him for good.:)
-- Warped space is infinite and any number of things can exist in it with no visible signs of them on StarFall. Rumor has it, he swallowed an entire solar system once and now it exist somewhere in Warped Space. :) Oh and in case your wondering, StarFall's body has the consistency of rich crude oil ^_^.

Well, thats me at a glance :) See you all later :)
Panzer Reyes or StarFall :)

Just a general pic of StarFall
StarFull finishing up his meal..:)
BTW..I realized too late that the pic would have been much more effective had I drawn him with his head held up..but with his neck still in the same place :P :)

Other messages in this thread:

NEW!Hi :) by Panzer Reyes on 2001.08.17 - 5:49pm

NEW!Welcome to the group :) by Digit on 2001.08.25 - 7:15pm
NEW!Re: Hi :) by Random Dragon on 2001.08.18 - 3:29pm
NEW!Re: Minors and vore... by Digit on 2001.08.25 - 7:48pm
NEW!Re: Re: Hi :) by Ruroshi on 2001.08.18 - 9:01pm
NEW!Out of the closet by Random Dragon on 2001.08.18 - 10:26pm
NEW!Just wondering, but... by Dude Guy on 2001.08.26 - 3:56pm
NEW!Speaking of out of the closet... by Kaltren on 2001.08.20 - 02:21am
NEW!Re: Speaking of out of the closet... by Shrunken One on 2001.08.26 - 02:33am
NEW!Welcome Kaltren :) by Digit on 2001.08.25 - 7:51pm
NEW!Re: Out of the closet by Ruroshi on 2001.08.19 - 8:53pm
NEW!Re: Re: Out of the closet by Panzer Reyes on 2001.08.19 - 9:37pm
NEW!Re: Re: Re: Out of the closet by Ruroshi on 2001.08.19 - 10:53pm
NEW!Re: Re: Re: Re: Out of the closet by Random Dragon on 2001.08.20 - 09:09am
NEW!(Non)Judgemental by Roubam/Tenner on 2001.08.20 - 8:22pm
NEW!Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Out of the closet by Anonymous on 2001.08.20 - 09:38am
NEW!Enough with the REs! by Terastas on 2001.08.21 - 6:58pm
NEW!So many new people, woo! by Digit on 2001.08.25 - 7:52pm
NEW!hyperlinks :P by Panzer Reyes on 2001.08.17 - 5:52pm

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