Message title: BG Party at Anthrocon 2001
Message author: Digit
Posting date: Mon Nov 20 21:14:26 2000 (PDT)
Hello everyone,
Just an early reminder that there will be the "Third Course" Big Gulp party
at Anthrocon 2001 in July ( for details on the con.)
Dale is planning on getting a suite this year, and the foods planned will be
along the lines of breads and rolls.
The open party will be on Friday evening (July 27th, 2001), there will be a
closed door party on Saturday evening for those of us here to eat up all the
leftovers. Look for posters around the con for the exact time and location.
For more info, contact Dale at: [email protected]
I'm going to be there, and I hope you will be to! :) The party this past summer
was a blast.