Message title: Bugs fixed this weekend...
Message author: Digit
Posting date: Sat Nov 18 18:51:33 2000 (PDT)
The bugs reported so far this weekend regarding the chat have been fixed:
- loginblurb dissapearing problem fixed
- edit screen problems fixed
- AOL browser problem with "bottom" orientation fixed (I think, need someone
with AOL to verify...)
Someone reported a problem where they were unable to login, because they
were already on the logged in list (using a different browser.) This should
not happen, and if anyone can reproduce this (I couldn't) PLEASE let me
know. You can't log in as more than one person from the same session,
but you should always be able to log in again even if you're already on the
list (when you log in anew, it should kick the old login off the list.)
Also, someone reported seeing some strangeness when they logged in, and could
see everyone else's whispers. I have not been able to reproduce this
problem either, if it happens please tell me everything you can!
There's always more bugs, however... keep reporting 'em :) Thanks again!