Welcome to the Voraphile.com Message Board!


This message board is intended to be a public forum for the vore community to share information, stay in touch with eachother, and discuss various topics of interest. Enjoy!

Please continue onward to the main message board listing, or read below for information about how to use the message board, where to report feedback, etc...


Using this message board is hopefully simple enough to do without much fuss. The board doesn't require anything more than a standard HTML 3.0 compliant web browser (if yours doesn't work, please let me know!) The main listing will group messages into "threads", i.e., someone posts a message on new topic, which becomes the "parent" message of that thread. Other people then respond to this parent message, or to the other responses in that thread.

To read a message, click on its title and you will be taken to the message viewer. To respond to a message, click on one of the buttons on the bottom of the message viewer: one allows you to just reply to the message, the other will automatically put the original poster's text into the response for you so you can quote them exactly. When typing your response, any hyperlinks you include will be turned into active hyperlinks when others view your message. Please note that that hyperlinks must start with "http://" and cannot contain any spaces. HTML tags are not honored - this message board is meant to be plain text only. If you have an image or other multimedia file that you want to refer readers to, include a hyperlink for it.

You can link to messages directly in this message board, but doing so is discouraged. Older messages will be deleted in time, and your link will then refer to a blank message instead of the text you intended.

What is appropriate to post

Anything related to voraphilia is appropriate on this message board. Stories, questions, announcements about websites or events, questions for the community, etc. Please use your own discretion, and try not to go too far off-topic :) I don't have the resources to devote to moderating this board, so I hope everyone will be civil and respectful of others.

Planned features/known bugs

There's a number of features that we'd like to implement, given the time. This is the short list of features and fixes that are planned:


If there's a feature that you're itchin' to see, or have found a bug that you would like to have fixed, please send some email to [email protected] about it!