So you want to include your VORE-CODE in a web page, or in your description on Yum-Chat Here's a way to make a hyperlink that will decode your VORE-CODE for a viewer automatically, in a new browser window...
We have provided a handy-dandy CGI program to do the decoding for you, which makes the above possible - and without JavaScript or other messy hacks. The CGI program is located at:
To set up your own link, you will want some HTML code that looks something like this (replace the X's with your own personal VORE-CODE -- the number of characters doesn't matter):
Now check the link to make sure it works for you, and be sure that the syntax of your VORE-CODE is correct. If you don't want the VORE-CODE to be decoded in a new web browser window, remove the target=_new from the link.