A huge rex, Ss stands roughly fourty feet tall on average, his body is very triagnular in shape, his huge stomach and lower torso. Huge hipped and powerful his lower body is as dangerous as that fang filled jaw every rex posseses. Stomach has enourmous claws on top of powerful lower legs, should he kick something his size it will be disemboweled, though Stomach smoosher prefers to use his feet to pin food into the ground to make his snapping jaws more likely to hit. Stomach smooshers scales are for the most part a dark forest green though the bands on his underside are of a more yellowish green. As most Rexes Stomach smoosher has never brushed his teeth, claws just don't have the reach, this makes his breath rotten enough to stun anything that will fit down his throat(An added bonus)
Mostly pred, occasional prey
Special Abilities
The only "Magic" ability is for the enjoyment of the other party in an rp, Stomach Smoosher has is scalable size, so he can be either a mouthfull of make you one; or a really involved dinner or hunter depending on his eaters taste(I suppose 4 or 5 feet would be the minimum)
Disclamer for all players character's, No Yiffing please, just don't really care for the idea of prey humping a pred tongue, As prey don't want to be abused that way, simple enough I think.