Character description for Erinystial
Read "The Food Chain", starring yours truly!
(Picture by Mikanatayo)
(That's me on top. ~_^ Dinner's on bottom.)
Ah, Erinystial. Before you stands a light green dragoness, with a pale tint of blue thrown in. Her wings are tucked onto her back in a comfortable position, able to spring to life at any moment. By dragon standards, she's not exactly "gargantuan"; Erin is about the size of an average house. She is, however, large in another way. It's obvious the feisty dragoness is fond of snacking, for she has a plump, curvaceous quality to her body, which she loves to exhibit, sauntering around for all to see.
Her eyes are full of lustful hunger and when her gaze falls upon you, it's hard to tell exactly what she's thinking of. Erin absolutely loves to play with her food, and it's hard to tell what kind of mood she's in. Even though she's fond of snuggling and cuddling, her playful nature is no match for her predatory side. When she gets a desire in her head, she won't stop until it's fulfilled. Even if you think you're a friend of hers or on her "good side", don't think that means you won't end up feeding the young dragoness. In fact, there's an even better chance you'll wind up on the menu, for the plump Erin thoroughly adores teasing and toying with those close to her before having them for dinner. "Friend" and "prey" are basically the same thing to her.
Due to experiences throughout her life, and just her personal feelings, she has a weakness for humans and other, smaller dragons (like Random ^_^). She finds them to be the most enthralling meals, not to mention the other choices aren't all that appetizing to her (especially "anthros". Fur = bleech) She tends to change personalites when around humans and dragons, especially if they're getting "close". She tends to show off a bit more, and becomes far more predatory, her usual teases becoming more plentiful and blatant. So if you're (un)lucky enough to be one of these delectable species, chances are you'll be seeing the inside of Erinystial whether you like it or not.
Erin is most often a predator, quite a wicked one at that. I suppose if one tried hard enough, they could make a meal out of the plump dwagon. Erinystial is a very passionate gal, and she really likes having close friends, ones that just like to be around her. She truly respects kindness, and will do her best to protect those she loves. Protect them from others, that is, so she can have them all to herself. The greedy dragoness spends most of her free time stuffing her belly with the aforementioned "loved ones", or just whoever happens to be around (and looks tasty).
Being an "eatophile" herself, Erin is very open to the desires of her prey. While she tries her best to accomodate willing prey, she prefers to subdue and play with some frightened, unwilling little creature. This is perhaps her biggest trademark. Erin is notorious for playing with her food. She'll circle you, poke you, pick you up, lick you, taste you, tease you. She does it all, and absolutely loves it. She also loves the thrill of the chase, which works into the "unwilling prey" thing, and takes much pleasure from subduing or seducing her helpless prey; restraining them, sitting on them, telling them exactly what is going to happen, how they are about to become dragon-chow. This cruel demeanor sometimes gives her a heartless exterior, but on the inside, she's all love.
Erinystial is a hulking, scaly, natural-born predator. To put it bluntly, she is not used to prey flinging itself down her throat, nor does she like it. I, as the player, just find it...difficult to portray a consentual, willing scene. I guess I just don't have the heart. I'd much rather seduce, subdue, and all-out hunt my helpless, quivering, o' so vulnerable prey. ^_^; However, if you're dead-set on a consentual scene, I may give it a shot, if you're a friend. I'm not promising anything, however, and the scene will probably be lackluster and mediocre, at best.
One thing that must be addressed is how picky I am, as an RPer. I share much in common with Mika (FYI - including her penchant for "unlikely" predators; horses and birds especially ^_^;), and strongly dislikes over-eager prey. Not to boast, but I consider myself an effective, in-depth role-player, and I expect at least an attempt at the same from my partner. Stuff like (TastyHuman: "Gee, I sure hope no one eats me!") is an immense turn-off, and even if you think you're being subtle, you're probably not. So do what you're supposed to do in an RP chat room: role-play.
I can't stress this enough: nothing "kills the mood" worse than incredibly short posts, glaring spelling/grammar errors, or over-eagerness. Please, please, please avoid those if you're trying to please me. If you haven't noticed yet, I routinely post 5 lines or more, going into frightening detail on just how you're being devoured. ~_^ So, in kind, I expect a good attempt at matching my imagination, and enhancing the scene by joining together in an effective RP. And like I said, please try to avoid blatant spelling errors, especially when it gets to the point where I literally don't know what you said. This just turns me right the hell off, and I don't even feel like role-playing anymore. And, as always, don't be too eager or naive (i.e. -- "Why are you licking me, undressing me, and covering me in steak sauce, dragon-lady " -- or just being a general dunce). I expect a truly epic struggle from my prey, fighting to their very extremes to save their lives. Now that's how to please this dragoness. ~_^ You've been warned.
(Oh, and if you really want to kill your chances for a scene with me, try flooding me with PMs with inane questions like "u have a nice desc. ur perfect for me" or "would u like to eat me =)" I'm sorry if it seems brash, but I cannot stand such unimaginative, uncreative, absolutely appalling attempts at initiating a scene. To put it lightly, anyone sending me such PMs would be promptly and utterly ignored. However, feel free to PM me if you have a legitimate reason. I'm not a total bitch. ^_^)