Physical Description - Dark Azrael is the evil side of Azrael, a loyal slave to the Destron Empire, his mind and body transformed by by their cruel methods of brainwashing and physical alteration. He stands taller than his regular self, at six-foot-seven-inches, and, unlike his counterpart, Dark Azrael is a wall of sheer muscle and power. His arms, legs, and upper torso are extremely muscular, looking as though he suffered a serious overdose of sterroids, while his waist is, surprisingly, pretty much anorexicaly thin, despite sporting a pretty impressive six-pack. His scaly skin is a deep purple color, with jet black, tigerlike stripes that run down his arms, legs, and back. His eyes are, seemingly, pupiless, and a ghostly white color, like a zombie's eyes. He sports short, curve,d razor-sharp spikes on his elbows and knees, and the claws of his hands and feet are longer, and appear twice as sharp as before, making him look as though he could rip through twelve inches of solid steel like paper. His muzzle is longer and thinner, his mouth, which is seemingly always curled into an evil leer, bristles with rows of razorlike fangs, and he even sports two tiny, hooked, spikes on his chin. His ass is taut and well-formed, looking rock-hard to the touch, and, like all reptiles, he keeps his other bits safely tucked away inside a special, barely visable genital slit located up front and between his legs. Though, when emerged, he is, so to speak, quite the crowd pleaser. His tail is nearly six feet feet long, thick and composed purely of muscle. To top this all off, literaly, he has a crest of flexible, razor-sharp spines that starts at the top of his head, and continues all the way down to the base of his tail, while smaller, sparser spines continue down the length of his tail, and the three uppermost spines on the head are taller than the rest and swept backwards, giving him a punk-rocker look.
Clothing, Vore/Sex Preferances and other info coming soon!