Character description for Chupacabra


The Chupacabra is the product of alien DNA experiments that took place deep into the forest of EL YUNQUE in Puerto Rico. Only the very basics of his form give you any idea that the demon carries human DNA. Notice the short hair, two arms and legs with a human torso and head. His normal height is about 8 ft. tall but he can compress himself to 7 ft. When in battle, his solid muscle form can stretch out to a height of 10 ft.

To say that the Chupacabra is deadly would be an understatement. His long Shapley horns can be used in battle as well adding to his stature. Glowing red eyes can easily cut through even the blackest of nights; his vision can pick up even the smallest of objects.

Few people have ever lived to tell of seeing a Chupacabra smile but when he does his teeth are blindingly white and it is hard not to notice his fangs. Those teeth can tear through anything. When his mouth opens his enormous forked tongue can flick out a few feet to stroke against you. But what is he doing Is he kissing you or tasting you to find out what you taste like. His tongue has the ability to shoot deep and quick, puncturing the skin and allows him to feed and draw his victim in closer so that me may feed on the sweet life's blood of his prey.

The sight of a Chupacabra with his powerful leather wings extended is truly a sight to behold! His legs are long and strong as trees but he is slow to move on the ground. Those huge, powerful wings allow him to glide gracefully and silently throught the air. Silently swooping down, his prey will never hear him approach. He will pick them up, suck out their life's blood and drop the corpse on the battlefield for others to find. This is a trademark of the Chupacabra.

His tail has a life of its own. Almost as long as he is tall, it can be used to grab a victim or enemy with speed and skill. It almost seems to be able to see. Attacking where it would be impossible for him to be looking, the tail wraps tightly around his prey and recoils toward the Chupacabra as if bringing a gift or offering to him.

The hands are tipped with huge powerful claws and are indestructible; they can penetrate anything he wishes them to. He can slice through an enemy and turn away not even watching to see them separate into pieces. Yet, they can be gentle and protective of a friend.

If you dare to approach him, do it slowly and openly, for if he perceives you to be threatening or in anger. You will NOT survive. Ladies beware. He is definitely a hunter and always hungry.

Yet, if you can get close enough to the Chupacabra to get to know him, you will find a spark of human kindness. He is very protective of his friends, often surrounding them in his great wings. He is more fierce than any animal you can imagine, both in battle and in defense of his friends. Be wary of him though, he is a predator after all!